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Call 24 hours for aFree No-ObligationConsultation? axil LawsuitFamilies throughout the United States are looking into their legal options and news for their child including axil lawsuit settlements based on the serious birth defects caused by this SSRI medication including HN, heart defect, abdominal defects.

Currently no interior axil class action mechanism cause for nativity defects has been filed and cases are existence filed severally on behalf of familes whose fry has suffered from.. The trial of the armpit argue that the manufacturer was negligent in several ways, including but not limited to:! We represent all families whose child suffered from axil birth defects on a contingency basis which means that there are never any legal fees unless. For a free no-obligation case review please call toll free or fill out our short online contact form and a axil lawsuit settlements attorney will contact you to answer any of your questions. We believe that the manufacturer of axil should be held accountable for any harm they are legally responsible for paxil narcotic 2012 people should be fairly compensated for their damages due to axil side effects. Many families and their shaver wealthy person had their life changed in a number of slipway due to ax